Questions & Answers

Notion 6 no sound after I install instrument

0 votes
asked May 24, 2020 in Notion by jessicayeung (180 points)
edited May 24, 2020 by jessicayeung
Hi, I just purchase Notion 6 and brass set and strings set.

I download all of "instrument.prox" files and install it on my MacBook, activation, reboot, Plug-In,... but Notion 6 stills read those files in grey and stills no sound !!! "*** sounds are not available."......"*** sounds are not available."......"*** sounds are not available."......please give me a hand and thanks so much !!!

8 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jul 15, 2020 by johnyezeguielian (510 points)
Not exactly an answer.  Do you also get  "Cannot find the plug-in Play; make sure it is installed and enabled in the plug-in manager."?
–1 vote
answered Dec 10, 2020 by roberttrede (3,160 points)

Did you ever get your downloaded sounds working? It's now Dec 12, 2020... so it has been quite a few months since you filed your question back in May.

The reason I ask is that I am having the same issue. For me, I have downloaded the guitar bundle and installed it. The install procedure says installation was successful. ... Yet when I assign Acoustic Guitar as an instrument to a track and selected "Acoustic Guitar" (Ac. Guitar)  from the Norton Instruments dropdown menu, not a peep comes out during playback.

Also, when I close the file and reopen it, I always get the popup warning "Ac. Guitar not available". 

This is soooo frustraiting. I've been trying for at least two weeks. Like you I tried everything I could think of including completely rebooting my computer... but nothing seems to fix it.

Did you ever figure out why you were seeing the same thing? I'd really appreciate an update as to how you fixed it (or if you fixed it at all.)

Thank you! 

0 votes
answered Dec 10, 2020 by roberttrede (3,160 points)

Update to the reply I sent a few minutes ago... 

By hacking around other questions on the forum, I found the answer that worked for me. Here is what the answer said:

"You will want to open Studio One and go to Studio One>Options>Audio Setup and choose the option to "Release audio device in background."  With this set, Studio One will release the soundcard when you have selected Notion as the active window.  Just make sure that the sample rate that is set for your song in Studio One matches the sample rate that you have set in Notion under File>Preferences>Audio. "

When I "released the audio", the Notion 6 instrument would play back.  I can't believe this simple answer was so difficult to find. I wasted at least two weeks of frustration just to find this simple solution. 

I suspect your issue has the same solution. Again, please update your question and let other users like me know it that solution worked for you too.


0 votes
answered Dec 10, 2020 by jessicayeung (180 points)
Options Button in grey, stills cannot activity.
0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2020 by roberttrede (3,160 points)

You stated "Options Button in grey, stills cannot activity". ... The options button controls the general behavior of Studio One, not just the sound being "released" or not... If you can't get to the options menu, there is something wrong with your installation more than just the sound issue. I'd suggest filing a support ticket with Studio One about the grayed out "Options" button. Once you can get into "Options", you can "release the audio" from there.

Please let us know how it works out.
0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2020 by dcwolf (140 points)
I am having the same problem... I joined Sphere and expected to get all the sounds available, but when I download/installed... it says they installed but when I put a new instrument in the score no sound. :(

Sorry I couldn't help...

+1 vote
answered Jan 3, 2021 by brucenewman1 (160 points)
I just purchased Notion 6 and have the same problem.  No sounds available for any instrument.  I tried releasing the audio solution (suggested below) in studio but it didn't work.

Considering this seems to be a consistent problem, I'm not impressed.  I would think they monitor these boards.

I will create a ticket, shortly.
0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2021 by roberttrede (3,160 points)

@ brucenewman1
Hey Bruce, did you ever get a reply from PreSonus/Notion support? I agree with you in being surprised that someone from Presonus does not seem to monitor this forum, addressing issues that many users seem to be experiencing. The "No sound after install" issue seems to be "popular". Please update your thread when/if you hear back from support. Thanks!
