Questions & Answers

Studio 192 - iregular drops in audio output

0 votes
asked May 25, 2020 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by tomassobota (200 points)
I have the troublesome problem - Studio 192 works correctly, but after a few seconds after turning on often appears iregular drops in audio output. It doesn't matter if I use music player, DAW plugins, etc. It usually helps restart computer and plug off - on Studio, but often drops apperas again. I have new modern computer with very high performance. I tried actualise all drivers, firmware is the latest, I do not understand what is wrong :-(

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 25, 2020 by pietromarduc (180 points)

I think you've already uninstall/reinstall drivers, if it's not the case, try it!

Is your electric system clean? I mean sometimes it influences on the sound... A parasite signal can make that.

An other way of thinking: what speakers do you use? If they are too small, the card can limit the sound...

Try that and tell me if it's better!

Good luck man.
0 votes
answered May 25, 2020 by tomassobota (200 points)
Maybe problem solved - I disable internal sound card on the motherboard. I Will to see... Thank you, Pietro.