Questions & Answers

It is not stated on the product comparison sheet. ;-)

–1 vote
asked Jun 3, 2020 in Studio One 4 by lukasbaudach (140 points)
Thank you for your super fast answer. However, I DID take a look at the product comparison sheet before asking my question. The sheet says (for the Prime version): "unlimited busses: no" - that, of course, leaves open my question of how many it DOES actually support.  ;-) Maybe this may be added in a little more detail to that sheet?



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,320 points)

Hardware I/O is covered in the product comparison chart, you just have to scroll down to find it.  Your original question asked about how many hardware audio I/O channels are supported in Prime.  The answer is in the product comparison chart under Hardware I/O support.  Prime supports 2 inputs and 2 outputs while Artist and Pro are unlimited.

Buses are a different concept than audio I/O in Studio One.  Buses are software-based routing.  It's my understanding is that Prime does not have buses or VCA channels.
