Questions & Answers

Electronic Whine in STUDIOLIVE AR8

0 votes
asked Jun 7, 2020 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by xXbLeRXx (160 points)
Recently my AR8 mixer has started giving off a high frequency whine, which I assume is a coil whine, sometimes it can be really loud or be soft enough to be drowned out by everything else. Mixer still works perfectly fine otherwise; it's just really annoying. Have tried putting the mixer on a different circuit to see if that would eliminate the problem but nada. Is this something I, with no knowledge of electronics, can fix or send it off.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2020 by stevemenashe (140 points)
Followup:  I'm also interested in solving this issue.  OP, did you ever get anywhere with this?
0 votes
answered Feb 5, 2021 by assafgidron (140 points)
Another follow up - I'm having the same issue.
0 votes
answered Feb 5, 2021 by xXbLeRXx (160 points)
contacted my local PreSonus distributer and organised  to ship it to them for repairs. Unfortunately the postal service lost the package; compensated for the unit. Sorry guys, won't get an answer from me.
0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2023 by tomchick (140 points)

OK, so I have An AR8c, and two AR12cs. This is a constant on all of those devices. There are two specific frequencies, Approx 1220.0 and 2460.0. also a few lesser frequencies, but these are not prominent so can be ignored. ( see the link with the spectrogram from audacity displaying these.  I have discovered that a good notch filter at both of those freqs will successfully kill the whine in post without any impact to the overall sound, , but this is an annoying workaround for an issue that, if you do a quick google search, you'll realize all of these AR series devices have.. I just wish I knew which part of the board was causing it. ALSO let us set a creation date for the SD card darnit!
