Questions & Answers

when i record i don't see the hand moving in the meter showing feedback on presonus studio channel, how can i fix this ?

0 votes
asked Feb 17, 2016 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by chriscook4 (200 points)
i have the presonus studio channel running through my universal audio twin 710 which only EQ's and i also have it running into my focusrite 18i20. now before the studio channel i'll get a super clean audio but i think i haven't set my tone yet, so before hand the meter hand was moving when i had my plugs all wrong and when i fixed everything it just stopped moving.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 16, 2016 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
Best answer

If a part of your Studio Channel is not functioning, we suggest reading the Product Manual from the download site for the product first and familiarize yourself with it.

If you are still having issues after this, you can contact technical support by creating a Support ticket from your PreSonus User Account.
