Questions & Answers

Impossible for Studio One 4 to find Kontakt

0 votes
asked Jun 14, 2020 in Studio One 4 by thomasanquetil (160 points)

HI everyone. I know this subject has been completely discussed many times on the web but It seems I can't a solution so far.
My problem : I can't find Kontakt in Studio One 4.

Here is what I have tried so far :

  • Adding and double checking the right VST path in Studio One > Options > Locations (*)
  • Reinstalling Studio One both in the default folder and in a custom one (which I prefer for personal reasons)
  • Checking that I use Kontakt and Studio One both in 64 bits versions.
  • (I know this is not recommended) : adding entire drives to the VST path, and after scans, nothing changes in the "Instruments" tab.

(*) Btw I have a question about this. The default location is G\:Studio One\SoundFonts (G or any letter that matchs your drive ofc). Why can't I find this folder when I use Windows file explorer ? The only folders I have here are Macros and Songs (custom).



1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 14, 2020 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
selected Jun 15, 2020 by thomasanquetil
Best answer
Sounds like you have Studio One Artist, only Professional can use VSTs, or you can buy the VST add-on package for Artist.

If you have professional (or the VST add-on) you will have another tab under locations called VST Plug-ins. The instrument library/soundfonts tab is something else.