Questions & Answers

Can I have a product registered on two computers?

0 votes
asked Jun 17, 2020 in Studio One 4 by suzistewart (150 points)

I downloaded and registered Prime on my desktop. I am utilizing the "Learn" videos of Gregor's. I would like to watch them on my laptop while working in the program on my desktop.

When I go to my account a message comes up that says " You must register a product to access "Learn". I tried several times to register the  product on my laptop but it says it is already registered.

How can I render this problem? and have access to "Learn" on my laptop?

Thank you,


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,270 points)
Best answer
Each Studio One License has 5 Activations, these can be on separate systems if you choose.