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I have two macs and a PC here - I switch computers - I am having an issue with Studio One 5 Pro installing on my MAC

+2 votes
asked Apr 23, 2021 in Studio One+ by 804jazz (140 points)
Ok so I'm trying to install Studio 5 Pro on both my Macs.. I have it up and working wonderfully on my PC... When I tried to install it on my Mac Mini it would not activate. It ended up installing S5A on that Mac Mini... How do I install 5 Pro. I deleted all the download attempts restarted and tried again. I still loaded Artist when I clicked on the Studio 5 Pro Install link. Again In have Sphere.. I love it and want to use it on the Mac Mini - Macbook pro - PC. I do not use them all at the same time. Again, the PC is working fine.. it's the Mac Mini that would not activate Studio 5 Pro. The product license said it was activated but I could never get 5 Pro to load past the activation screen. HELP!!