Questions & Answers

How do I select which input is line level or has Phantom power on an IOStation 24C ?

0 votes
asked Jun 22, 2020 in AudioBox USB by benoitfoubert (150 points)
How do I select which input is line level or has Phantom power on an IOStation 24C ?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 27, 2020 by osmark (1,090 points)
selected Jul 9, 2020 by jameswest7
Best answer
I believe it’s all or none.  If you enable phantom power, both channels get it.
0 votes
answered Aug 28, 2020 by jimsutherland (860 points)
It would appear that you cant run a mic and a line signal simultaniously .... if they both go line when switched.   thats what ime getting