Questions & Answers

Has anyone experienced a 1/4inch connector getting stuck in ioStation 24c input socket

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asked Feb 13, 2021 in ioStation24c by leenichols (180 points)
I plugged a 1/4inch cable in to input 2 on my ioStation 24c a few days ago and its been working ok. Today I tried to remove it today and it is completely stuck in the socket. I cannot pull it out. I can see that it turns in the socket and it still records ok etc but I cannot remove it.

Has anyone experienced this before? I bought the interface last December and it hasn't been used very much until a couple of weeks ago. I have connected a different 1/4inch cable in input 1 and I can remove this ok.

I have raised a support ticket about this but just wondered if anyone could advise, I'm at a loss as to why it would be stuck.

Many thanks