Questions & Answers

Studio One 4.6.2 bit loss

0 votes
asked Jun 25, 2020 in Studio One 4 by atscomms (570 points)
Studio One was performing quite well and was reasonably stable on my Windows 10 machine until I upgraded to V 4.6.2.
Now I'm suddenly getting TONS of Bit Loss/Dropouts when playing or editing mixes done in 4.6.1
The CPU meter does not indicate high usage. Closing all other programs and bumping up the dropout protection from Low to Medium helped some but not quiet enough.

Hey P, somethings not right under the hood! Please check it out SOON!


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2020 by garymaguire (11,350 points)
Best answer
Please contact support regarding this issue.
0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2020 by toddredding (140 points)
I don't have a great answer here but have noticed the upgrade making the program running clunkier. Not only that but, , but about 1/2 of the effects purchased from 3rd party software, "Waves especially| " Clavinet and partial Abbey-Road bundle effects also won't work with 64 bit DAW. However, it just started the errors when I went with the recent upload.

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