Questions & Answers

I do not see a button to Redeem my "Free Upgrade" why is this?

+7 votes
asked Jul 8, 2020 in Studio One 5 by garethlloyd (540 points)
I registered my copy of Studio One V.4 Professional one month ago and received the email telling me I am eligible for the free upgrade but when I click on the Redeem button I do not get the option to upgrade, only to subscribe for a year to Sphere.

I am now seriously considering looking for alternatives to this shoddy company!

PS - I have tried this in multiple browsers and the same issue occurs in all

13 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by miroslavpetkevic (210 points)
Try google chrome, for me it helped. Copy link from letter and open in Chrome
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by garethlloyd (540 points)
I have tried Chrome, Firefox, Safari and even the dreaded Microsoft Edge - they were lying about the free upgrade IMHO ;-(
+2 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by dezsastallworth (210 points)
Im having the same issue any suggestions
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by garethlloyd (540 points)
I'm afraid I have no suggestions I have opened support tickets with no joy thus far.  I'm beginning to consider opening a claim with Paypal to get my money back for Studio One as well as the other Presonus kit I bought and investing my time and learning effort elsewhere ;-(
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by florianstallmann (280 points)
The mail is indeed not very clear. On the MyPresonus page, you have to click on Studio One 4 in your list of registered products. Then on the page for the product, there will be a 'redeem' button. For me, this only worked in Chrome but not in Firefox.

The text on the page only talks about PreSonus Sphere. I want to upgrade to the perpetual Studio One 5 license, not the subscription, so I am a bit reluctant to click that button, though...
+2 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by florianstallmann (280 points)
Update: The redeem button leads to a page that offers one year of free subscription, but no Studio One 5 license.

I still suppose this is a technical problem, the offer is clearly in good faith!
+2 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by garethlloyd (540 points)

I'm not sure there is any evidence of the offer being in good faith since there  is no way to redeem it wink

The wider point here really is that I have invested a large amount of money in the Presonus platform, both hardware and software, and am about to invest a lot of time in making it part of my workflow, their failure to implement a fairly straightforward software upgrade path which is entirely under their control doesn't exactly inspire faith in their technical abilities IMHO.

0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by massimilianosilipigni (150 points)
It's ok with Chrome! No with Safari... click on Redeem on Studio 4 purchase and choose Studio One 5 or Sphere. By the way, I went with Studio One 5
+1 vote
answered Jul 8, 2020 by garethlloyd (540 points)
Having spent far longer than I should investigating this I can tell you it DOES NOT work for me with Chrome, Chromium, Firefox, Safari or even MS Edge.

You may have had a different experience but I cannot get my free upgrade in any way ;-(
0 votes
answered Jul 8, 2020 by jasonhall17 (140 points)
Hello. Just had the same problem using Safari on imac.

Make sure you're signed out etc. and close window. I had to install chrome (completely new browser for computer) just to get it to work. It did straight away! (Maybe there's some issue with browsers/presonus page saving info etc. for ease of signing in or something?)

Follow the instructions in this link and also see what you qualify for etc.

You click on products in your account - select your qualifying studio one 4  product, then on studio one 4 product page there will be the magical green redeem button.

You initially see a window that only looks like an option to redeem sphere (1st window under 'Redeeming instruction" in link) - you click on that and if you qualified for the Daw upgrade you will see both options as in 2nd window shown. if you only see the sphere  option here you didn't qualify for the DAW upgrade. I believe you can get it (studio one 5) somehow as part of the sphere subscription - so free for a year - but then its tied to your sphere subscription. Again not entirely sure about that, do check it out before hand.

Hope this helps.
–1 vote
answered Jul 9, 2020 by gregorywendfeldt (1,000 points)
edited Jul 9, 2020 by gregorywendfeldt
I found it in Chrome on a PC at work. Unfortunately, I have Safari on my Mac at home and it doesn't show up there.
0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2020 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)

Button showing up for me using Opera, macOS 10.13.6

0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2020 by florianstallmann (280 points)

It has now worked for me as well, using Chrome on Windows. The Redeem button on the product page now also had the blue button for upgrading to Studio One 5 as in the screenshot by mattbennett
