Questions & Answers

Renaming Plugins or Instruments - Get rid of "A device with this name already exists"!

+13 votes
asked Jul 9, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by arjunnedungadi (370 points)

Please allow multiple plugin instances with the same name. For example, if you insert 3 instances for FabFilter Pro-Q 3, Studio One renames the second and third instances as FabFilter Pro-Q 4 & 5! Add more instances and the plugins get auto-renamed with incremental numbers at the end.

Trying to rename a plugin to something that already exists gives the annoying "A device with this name already exists" error dialog. Again - multiple plugins in a session should be allowed to have the same name. Please get rid of the incremental auto-numbering of multiple instances of the same plugin!

This seems to happen only with certain third party plugins. Inserting multiple instances of Arouser, for example, does not auto rename them with incremental numbers. All Studio One plugins have this issue.

3 Answers

+3 votes
answered Jul 9, 2020 by brionreid (2,350 points)
I agree with you.  You can avoid this silly no duplicate name enforcement by dragging the correctly name FX to a new location in the mixer view.
+1 vote
answered May 2, 2021 by OneFingerSnap (2,440 points)
I agree. Please, change this. It's a small thing but very annoying
0 votes
answered Jan 7, 2022 by barmanjean-baptiste (510 points)
edited Jan 7, 2022 by barmanjean-baptiste
Je suis d'accord, c'est très pénible et ça complique la lecture de la console .... J'aime studio one mais ça c'est vraiment un GROS PROBLEME !!!

Le problème apparait lors de l'utilisation de plusieurs Plug in tiers (certain comme les fab filters) dans une même session, il est possible de les renommer, mais si on les désactivent, Studio one ajoute un numéro .....

La console devient illisible.... Vraiment dommage....