Questions & Answers

Has anyone experienced S1 v5 crashes when pressing the record button on the MPC-X?

+4 votes
asked Jul 10, 2020 in Studio One 5 by rayoneal (310 points)
Just upgraded to S1 v5 and set it up to follow my MPC X and receive MMC commands.  I only use MPC-X in standalone mode.

Play, Stop, Play Start, Forward and Rewind all work without issue.  When i hit the record button, S1 v5 intermittently crashes.  Most times it crashes right after 1 attempt of telling S1 to record from the MPC,  However, there are a few times when it takes 2 or 3 record attempts to cause the crash, but it always crashes.  Can't confirm if this happened in older versions of S1, but version 5 literally has the 1 feature I've been waiting for and it's a little funky.  Anyone else having this problem?

My hardware:

PC running windows 10 64bit
32 gigs of ram
Rme Madi FX
Intel 9400f
MPC X (latest firmware)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2020 by benwilliams1 (200 points)
Exact same issue here, 4 out of 5 times

MPC Live, latest 2.8 FW
Windows 10 latest patches
Ryzen 3950X
Focusrite 8pre USB latest FW (1195) and drivers (4.65.5). using the 8pre MIDI ports
0 votes
answered Aug 15, 2020 by rolandhelmerichs (150 points)
Exact same issue here with AkaiMPC88. I've opened a ticket.
In v4 that worked fine.