Questions & Answers

Extra speakers for weird shaped room

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asked Jul 11, 2020 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by rupertpearson (170 points)
Thanks for that answer.

Follow-up Question One:

Can all the following be run directly from a laptop or do any of them require some kind of amp or physical interface/thingy: E7XT, E8XT, E66, R65, R80?

Q2: even if all of these can be run directly off a laptop are some of them going to function really significantly better (classical music with a lot of sudden changes in volume and character) If I do place some kind of hardware between laptop and monitor?

Q3: from the point of view of getting speakers that are going to give me ‘more’ than my E4.5 monitors, I am only interested in enabling the speakers to fill the room better year or part of the music. The more important need is to address the fact that it is a very long room so that it even has three different seating areas, with different kinds of furniture facing in all sorts of directions. Therefore getting my E 4.5 monitors right for any one of those three seating areas necessarily gets it completely wrong for the other two areas and I really don’t want to have to keep moving my speakers however I can’t afford to get three lots of ideal monitor combinations. But I could get one more pair of better speakers or perhaps one extremely good single speaker assuming that it is technically possible, without my having to purchase some expensive amp or something, to integrate that one additional single or pair of speakers in with my e4.5 monitors.

 I realise I could sell my 4.5 monitors but I don’t really have the time to mess about with that sort of thing so it would be better if I could simply find something I could integrate with my current speakers that would give me both more flexibility to experiment with speaker situation and that allows me better quality In at least one listening location in that room. One possibility is that I bounce the sound of the very high ceiling (two sloping surfaces that follow the roof line) which is high above (18 feet to ridge?) however that would obviously be complex suspending the speakers with space under them etc.

Please advise.