Questions & Answers

Improve Studio One 5 -Notion 6 integration

+34 votes
asked Jul 19, 2020 in Score Editor by luigidiguida (970 points)
It would be very nice if writing the keyswitches in Studio One and sending the song to Notion, the result is that Notion translates the keyswithc into the correct articulations on the score.
In this way you could switch from one software to another without losing your job.
Similarly, the sending of Notion to Studio One in "score" mode should be improved, so that the tracks, in addition to the instrument, Studio One correctly recognizes the keyswitches.

3 Answers

+6 votes
answered Jul 21, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

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+7 votes
answered Mar 1, 2021 by andybourgeois (300 points)
I can see Studio One becoming the number One choice for composers if it was the first to offer bidirectionnal real-time communication between Notation and Daw. Like ARA2 and Melodyne. No import or export needed. Just 2 perfectly integrated software. Even better, just put every Notion Fonctions directly in Studio One.
+2 votes
answered Jan 27, 2022 by donpreuninger (860 points)
Rather than integrating Notion more with S1, I would like to see a bigger push to get the Note Editor to the point where Notion isn't needed.  Notion has an old interface and is not being kept up with modern UI Design.  The in-built not editor of S1 is very nice, but it just lacks the full range of abilities it needs to really be the best of the best that it can be.