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i lost ALL of my audio

0 votes
asked Jul 26, 2020 in Computer Based Recording & Production by joeypinter-bilek (1,050 points)

somehow i have lost all the work i've done over the last couple years. this is what i THINK i did. i noticed on my music player Groove Music (it's a windows thing) that other than songs that are mine or my own music (my record) collection there are the stems from Studio One. not knowing how they got there or why they are there i  deleted most of them not knowing they would be deleted from Studio One. apparently Groove Music acts as an automatic backup. i had no idea.

i also spend twenty bucks a month on SPLICE which is supposed to be a backup. i see the tracks/stems but have no clue to get them back into the song. so far that seems worthless. i have a program that is supposed to find deleted files which is running now, it's going to take a few hours to finish. however, while i'm waiting i wanted to check in with you guys to see if you all had any thoughts or ideas that i would be most grateful for.

so, any help you can give would be wonderful,


joey pinter" width="1903" height="1020" alt="Annotation 2020-07-26 094228"></a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>">" width="1903" height="1020" alt="Annotation 2020-07-26 094228"></a><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>">

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
selected Aug 18, 2020 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

We're sorry this happened to you, contact Splice to see what options they have for you. 

If you're going to attempt file recovery on your own having done this many times myself, File recovery programs like DiskDrill can help, using a drive recovery service is also an option, it all depends on how much is your data worth to you? 

You may find that the file names may not be recovered, file recovery programs most often will recover files as File001.wav, File002.wav and so on. If you have large sessions, putting it all back together may not be possible especially if you deleted the session files that recorded all the automation and edit changes. 

Common practice that I've seen in small to large studios is to buy a dedicated drive for your audio. When the project is done, pull the drive, label it and put it on a shelf for when you need it again. Go buy another drive for your next big project. YouTubers do this as well. If you can afford a drive array to store your data for quick access, that's something to consider. 

Back up your Back ups from time to time, digital media is not forever. Storage is cheaper now than ever. 

Good luck. 
