Questions & Answers

i cant use or do anything outside of that program for it keep stopping my recording/playback... Is there a Fix to this?

–1 vote
asked Jan 15, 2022 in Studio One 5 by lntcgmusic (160 points)
Whenever I am using studio One (in and out of DAW), I can't use or do anything outside of that program for it keeps stopping my recording/playback... Is there a fix to this? Why can't i do or go anywhere else without affecting what studio one is doing?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 15, 2022 by tothrec (32,330 points)
Why would you go try and do something else when you are working on something in Studio One?

It is meant for recording, editing and mixing audio.

In order to perform well, it needs control of your audio device.
+2 votes
answered Jan 15, 2022 by wcookjr (2,240 points)
There’s a setting in preferences that says “release device in background” or something. I always thought that meant “let outside programs use it too”, but I recently tried unchecking it when setting up a new interface and it stopped doing that. Not sure if that’s what actually did it or if the new interface is more capable, but it’s worth a shot