Questions & Answers

Is only one Pen tool working to add midi notes?

+1 vote
asked Jul 26, 2020 in Studio One 5 by andreaslindholm (130 points)
I bought a month licence to test out Studio One. I opened up the midi editor to draw in some notes. Selected the Sine pen tool to test drawing an arpeggio pattern. It just draws a straight line. I have tried a lot of settings and different tools, but it seems that all tools just input one note or a straight line of notes. Am I doing something wrong or does all draw tools work the same? Seems weird to me, used to use them in Cubase.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2022 by nectario (680 points)
I also want an answer to this! I cannot draw midi notes freely like I used to in Cubase.