Questions & Answers

Thunderbolt 3 upgrade option card for low latency DAW recording

+1 vote
asked Jul 27, 2020 in FireStudio Series by dimitrirozin (250 points)

I was wondering if it's technically possible for PreSonus to release a Thunderbolt 3 upgrade card for RML AI series mixers to get that "<1 ms roundtrip latency*; record direct to DAW with your favorite plug-ins." available with the new TB3 Quantum 2626 mixer.
I currently own RML32 AI mixer so I'd have to buy 4x TB3 Quantum 2626 units to get the same amount of pre-amp ports.

Universal Audio has a Thudnerbolt 3 ugprade card, so would it be achievable for PreSonus release one as well?
