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Low latency/CPU, mixer only and plugin host only version of S1

–1 vote
asked Aug 31, 2023 in Mixing by tinjokleinsevert (160 points)
At the moment, I am using S1 as a live FOH mixer in combination with a CS18Ai or other Mackie mode controller.

A lot of functions of S1 remain unused with this form of use, but they add latency, CPU load, etc.

I like the mixer section of S1 a lot, especially in combination with the CS18Ai or my X-Touch, but don't like the fact I have to turn on the monitor function of every channel and that I can not see the "output" level of the channel, only the input level.

So I would love to see a mixer only version of S1, focused on live and broadcast mixing. Of course it needs to be tuned, so it has the lowest latency possible and has (very) low CPU load and good processing scheduling, but I trust the developers of Presonus the fullest in this.

In addition to a mixer only version, I would love to see a plugin host only version. Maybe this can be integrated in the mixer only version, where you can select the function on startup. "Mixer" or "Plugin Host". A bit like LiveProfessor and Waves Multi-/Superrack Native.

Please feel free to add any wishes that connect to this feature request.