Questions & Answers

Trying to take a drum track video from YouTube and upload it to my studio in a new song

0 votes
asked Aug 7, 2020 in Computer Based Recording & Production by (320 points)
How can I take a free drum track from YouTube and upload it to a new song in my studio so that I can record some guitar and bass over it?

And a second part to this question is : the drum tracks on YouTube that I’m talking about have an option to buy the track. If I bought the track, would it then be possible to upload it to my studio directly from a file on my laptop? Or will it not work because the drum track wasn’t specifically made for presonus ??

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 7, 2020 by matthewritenburg (17,340 points)
selected Aug 18, 2020 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
The drum track just needs to be in one of the supported audio formats. If it’s in one if the supported audio formats you should be able to navigate to it through the file browser then drag and drop it into an audio track.  Supported file formats include wav, mp3, etc.
+1 vote
answered Aug 7, 2020 by cdricblanqui (7,530 points)
There's a lot of audio converters for Youtube that will deliver a mp3 file from the video.Then you'll be able to import this file in a track.
