Questions & Answers

Can I use Studio One 3 Prime to make videos to youtube?

0 votes
asked Aug 30, 2017 in Studio One 3 by shadowbreak (150 points)
I want make videos of this software so I don't know if I can do it...

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 5, 2017 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
You can use any version of Studio One to make videos for YouTube. You will need to following:

1) screen capture software

2) Create an aggregate device [Mac] to capture DAW audio OR on a PC you will need a 2nd interface into which you will physically rout (via TRS cables) the main output of interface #1, setting the screen capture software to listen to your 2nd interface.

3) video editing software. Camtasia does both screen capture and has an editing suite, so this is highly recommended.

4) have a very clear idea of the purpose, objectives and aims of your videos, as well as your target audience.

Hope this helps!
0 votes
answered Aug 3, 2019 by dr-sajjadahmed (140 points)

Yes You can use to make videos from Youtube  

by: Smart Apps Apk
