Questions & Answers

Show events better in the UI

+25 votes
asked Aug 25, 2020 in Look and Feel by PreAl (2,710 points)

The event on the left is a pattern.
The event on the right in an instrument part.
But you only know that because I told you.

You can click on each event to find this information out, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to identify the type of event instantly at a glance, without having to do any extra steps?

Most other DAWs do a better job of visually indicating events.
I want to be able to tell at a glance what type of event is in front of me.
Yes it gets easier when the clips get filled up with notes, but some of us create empty clips, and regardless it just makes better workflow.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2020 by adarshchandran (5,530 points)
Right that view has to be fixed. I hope presonus looks into that