Questions & Answers

Internal Oversampling

+62 votes
asked Aug 29, 2020 in Mixing by anubhavukil (8,530 points)
recategorized Aug 29, 2020 by anubhavukil

I think for each Insert, there should be an option to do internal Oversampling. That means, if this option is checked, that particular insert will work in higher sample rate.

[So, Audio will go into the Insert after being up-sampled, then after the audio comes out of the plugin, a steep Anti aliasing filter will be applied in the 20KHz region and then the audio will be down-sampled and go to the next insert. Just like the Oversampling usually works]

It will be really really helpful to have this option.

If someone needs it for a particular plugin, he will turn this on for that particular insert.

What I want is something like this (The picture Below) but for all insert. So if we don't want it, we will not use it. But if we want it, we will use it.

6 Answers

+8 votes
answered Sep 7, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points) 1 flag
Best answer

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–3 votes
answered Jun 4, 2021 by alexandrulapugean (300 points)
You can try Metaplugin by DDMF, it's a sort of a wrapper that you can load any plugin into (not sure about Studio1 native effects). It does many things, but one of the features is oversampling. You can oversample any plugin with it, up to the max sample rate that particular plugin supports.
+7 votes
answered Jan 6, 2022 by emadghasemi (290 points)
It's a great future. Reaper did it . You can do it too.

You guys are the best if you just pay more to some of the requests.
+7 votes
answered Feb 12, 2022 by emrahcelik (910 points)
This is a great feature and a must-have with today's modern daws.
+5 votes
answered Jul 5, 2022 by mikeglass (1,070 points)
Lack of a built-in oversampling option along along with the absence of a real bus freeze has me, and I am guessing others, looping for other options. Reaper is cheaper and looking to be a better platform.
+3 votes
answered Jan 16, 2023 by nicbarnshaw (1,170 points)
Would love to see this feature. I am constantly going through all my plugins at the end of my project and turning on all the oversampling before i export. I can't turn it on while i'm mixing because it slows my system down too much. Then if i need to make changes based on client request then i have to go back through all the plugins and turn oversampling off just so i can work on it again. Then go through and turn it all on again in order to export. But if there was an "oversample for offline render" option in Studio One natively it would save all that time