Questions & Answers

How do I add missing instruments to the "Presence XT Core Library" Samples?

0 votes
asked Aug 29, 2020 in Studio One 5 by roberttrede (3,160 points)

Hello. laugh

I am on Studio One 5 Professional.

At the time I first installed it, I decided not to add all of the "Presence XT Core Library" instrument samples because in total, they take up a huge amount of room on a hard drive. So just to get me started, I installed only the "Winds" samples at the time.

Now I am needing some acoustic guitar samples (and later Cellos) and need to install those missing instrument samples.

I can find where to add those new instrument samples in the "Studio One Installation" screen... In fact, I can select "Presence XT Core Acoustic Guitars", but the "Install" button toward the bottom of the window is grayed out. 

How do I get this "Install" button to become active?

Thank you!

Following is a screenshot of what I describe above:

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Sep 29, 2020 by roberttrede (3,160 points)
Well, I didn't get any replies to my question... but I found the answer myself...

The method to install "Presece XT Core Library" instruments that I chose not to install right away (to save space) is to log into my "My Presonus" account and go the the area showing software I have already purchased. There I can click on "View more details" of my Studio One Professional software. On that page is the option to "View 31 bundled downloads"... Which will include all the virtual instruments available to me as part of my purchased package.

So if any of you out there wish to install virtual instruments that you chose not to originally install when you first installed Studio One (to save space... Some of these virtual instruments are huge in size), this is how you do it. The solution is easy but not obvious at all when first trying to figure it out.