Questions & Answers

Tom Brechtlein soundsets

+2 votes
asked Sep 11, 2020 in Studio One 5 by chucklaiti (280 points)
I just installed Studio One v5. I also installed (I think) Tom Brectlein v1&2 and also the Atomic Loops. I can load the Brechtlein kit in Impact, that works fine. I'm just not sure I am seeing everything I downloaded. Does the Brechtlein soundset include loops? Over in my files section I see a folder for soundsets but it is empty. I also see some loops but they are not identified as "Atomic Fuel" so I am not sure I installed properly.  When I look in the Studio 5 App under installation it says these things are installed. If there is a video or something that explains these features I'd appreciate a look.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 18, 2021 by raythaw (160 points)
I have the same issue...did anyone ever solve this for you?
0 votes
answered Sep 6, 2022 by svenhinse (140 points)
I just had the same issue - found them under Loops ->Jazz->Drums->acoustic !