Questions & Answers

How are Eq settings layered?

0 votes
asked Sep 14, 2020 in Classic Mixers by stevenreed1 (230 points)
Hello.  I have a 24.4.2. If I assign a Channel 8 to Subgroup 4, and then I assign a GEQ to Subgroup 4, it seems like I have 3 EQs in play: Channel 8 Fat Channel, Subgroup 4 Fat Channel, and Subgroup 4 GEQ.

Am I correct that all 3 of these are active at the same time, with the channel-specific Fat Channel EQ being tweaked by the Subgroup Fat Channel EQ, and then the Subgroup EQ being tweaked by the Subgroup GEQ? Therefore they all combine to create the final sound?


3 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 17, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
selected Sep 18, 2020 by jonnydoyle
Best answer

A Sub Group send is post EQ.
0 votes
answered Sep 17, 2020 by stevenreed1 (230 points)
Thanks, jonnydoyle. I agree with what you're saying, but I don't think it answers my question.

I'll ask it a different way:

I can adjust a subgroup's EQ by selecting that subgroup and making modifications in its FatChannel EQ.

I can also bring up the GEQ and assign it to that same subgroup and make separate EQ changes there, which are independent of the FatChannel EQ.

How do those two EQ's work together? Does one overwrite the other, since they are both applied to the same subgroup, or are they somehow summed?

commented Sep 17, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Changes made to the channels EQ will be reflected in the Sub Group. The GEQ on the sub group effects all the channels in that Sub Grp.

They do not over write anything but would impact each other etc.
0 votes
answered Sep 17, 2020 by stevenreed1 (230 points)
Thanks again, jonnydoyle.

That's getting more to the question I asked. I appreciate your insight. So there is no overwriting, only one EQ impacting the other. So in my original example, I mentioned three EQ's:

1) The FatChannel EQ for Channel 8, which is assigned to Subgroup 4
2) The FatChannel EQ for Subgroup 4
3) The GEQ for Subgroup 4

None of these would overwrite any others, but they would all be combined such that each would have an effect on the final sound. Items 2 and 3 seem redundant to me, but it really does seem that both of these EQ's exist simultaneously and can be independently adjusted to shape the final sound of Subgroup 4.

Thanks again for your help. I have more confidence now in the way it works.