Questions & Answers

Can we modify and sell everything that is on Studio One?

0 votes
asked Sep 22, 2020 in Studio One 5 by ghjppzpp (150 points)

I want to know if can we edit and use as commercial everything that is loaded into Studio One 5.

For example: kicks, loops, default melodies, etc.

I’ve created a good track modifying our default sounds, loops and I want to know if everything that is loaded to the Software is like royalty free for use as commercial.

Thanks for your help,


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2020 by garymaguire (11,350 points)
Best answer
Please read over the following :
0 votes
answered Sep 22, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
I believe all those samples sold by Presonus to you are royalty free.  The one sure way to check is the product page where the description should be able to confirm if you are still unsure.  