Questions & Answers

MIDI Editor Triangles now Instead of Rectangles - Cannot see note length or Volume

+2 votes
asked Sep 23, 2020 in Studio One 5 by rennyschweiger (310 points)
Certain MIDI players (my Beatbuddy for example) allow for note off events, and so the length of the rectangle in the MIDI roll was very useful, e.g., for bass guitar, in version 3 (Prime). Now in Version 5 (Artist) all I see are triangles with no length. And even if this were not the case, the relative length of the midi notes on screen was a very helpful visual cue. Also, inside the rectangle was the bar that gave you the volume of the note.;

I see absolutely no benefits to the changes to the MIDI roll that were there in V3. Can you explain this and how it might be mitigated?


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 25, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Hi Renny,

I assume you're talking about the Drum View. Nothing was changed here, you only changed views. Click the little "piano" icon at the top-left of the Editor. This should get you the Piano view with the full note lengths back.
0 votes
answered Oct 29, 2021 by hermanwilliams (570 points)

Click the little "piano" icon at the top-left of the Editor worked to fix the problem for us.  The thing is that this was our first time using the updated ImpactXT, so it appears the the default icon setting is the drum view.
