Questions & Answers

I Cannot record in Studio one 3.5 after a OS X Catalina upgrade

0 votes
asked Sep 27, 2020 in Studio One 5 by jimle22 (120 points)
I cannot record in Studio One 3.5 since upgrading OS to 10.15.6 catalina.  I see signal at my interface mixer (16.0.2 firewire) and also in Universal control mixer but no input into Studio One is armed for recording and input is set to channel one where I see signal from computer. (trying to record YouTube audio).  I was able to do this before upgrade.  I also am using Studio One 5 Demo and have the same problem.  No input to DAW.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 16, 2021 by jerrytupis (200 points)
Had same problem. On Mac go to settings - privacy - highlight microphone in list then add studio one to allow access. Worked for me, If it works for you put it out there for others