Questions & Answers

Speaker playback?!

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asked Oct 4, 2020 in AudioBox USB by jonathanodonnell1 (120 points)
So I just got the 25th Anniversary edition of the Audio Box USB96. I’m new to all this but I’ve been using it in tandem with Amplitube 4. I would like my guitar audio to come through the speakers and woofer combo that I have hooked up to my computer. I’m using the Logitech G560 speaker set up which lines into my motherboard via usb. I’ve set the audio path to input the audio box and output through the speakers but I don’t get any sound. I’m just wondering if there’s a way I could make this work? Is there an adapter I could buy that splits the usb into 1/4 in connectors or do I just need studio monitor speakers? I’m using headphones at the moment and I’m not a big fan. Also, is there a wireless option for headphones? I can’t stand the cable getting in the way...!

Any help would be greatly appreciated