Questions & Answers

Cannot turn on or off of the metering displays for the Faderport 8

0 votes
asked Oct 8, 2020 in FaderPort 8 by dennisboal (320 points)
Have been following the faderport manual, and cannot seem to turn on or off the metering displays.

Also not sure what the "push" button is, for I have tried every button in the Session Navigator.

Win 10, Studio One pro 4.6, Faderport updated to new firmwear v3.43

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by benjaminrubin1 (170 points)
The Push Button is the is the round Rotary Knob at the center of the right side of the FaderPort 8. When you push it down, it also functions as a button.

Posting here because my meters dissapeared for some reason. Restoring to Factory and then flashing firmware to 3.4.3 has resolved the issue for me.