Same song (no changes whatsoever at any point in this test) and 3 different plug-ins (YouLean meter, Span, and S1 Level Meter) to measure LUFS, TP, and related parameters. All 3 plug-ins are inserted on the main channel and all 3 give different readouts. I then insert all 3 post-fader and again all 3 give different loudness readouts, but this time the readouts are lower (quieter) than before. Last, I move the song to the project page, again making no changes whatsoever to the song. There is no processing in the project page - only the same 3 loudness meters, and again I get completely different readouts for LUFS, TP, and related parameters (i.e., readouts that differ from those obtained in the song page). What is happening here and why is this happening? Running latest version of S15.0.2 and Catalina10.15.7. Thanks.