Questions & Answers

Studio One v4. I need to use Boss GT1000 in and Scarlett 2i2 out both using USB.

0 votes
asked Oct 19, 2020 in Studio One 4 by barrydalchow (160 points)
I want to use my Boss GT-1000 for input for guitar and have it play out of my Scarlett 2i2 interface. So far no luck setting it up. Please can anyone help? I am connecting both via USB, Maybe there's a software switch I need to turn on. So far it will not play my guitar through the Scarlett 2i2 but instead sends out to the GT1000.

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 19, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
selected Oct 19, 2020 by barrydalchow
Best answer
Hi.  I think the best way to do it is to use the 2i2 as your audio device for Studio One.  Then connect guitar to the GT1000.  To connect the gt1000 to the 2i2 either connect from the main out via 6.3mm jack connection to the inputs of the 2i2.  Alternatively you can use mic cables and connect using the xlr outputs of the GT1000 to the inputs on the 2i2.  You can't use both connected via usb on windows.   As for Mac I am not sure.  You don't mention Windows or Mac.  
0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by samsmith43 (140 points)
0 votes
answered Oct 30, 2020 by amardeepchairs (140 points)

thanks for the really helped!

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answered Dec 29, 2020 by alextelles (140 points)

thanks for the info it really helped

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