Questions & Answers

How can I capture audio from Studio One for tutorial videos?

0 votes
asked Mar 1, 2016 in Studio One 2 by tleyva (150 points)
I am trying to create some tutorials for using certain plugins in Studio One 2. I cannot get the audio to record in the capture software from S1, but I can record off of YouTube and get both video and audio. Why is the audio from S1 not recording when other sources on the same computer work?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
Most screen recording software cannot record (internally, only from inputs) from ASIO devices so when you are doing that, use the on-board audio device and depending on how your computer is setup you may have to loop your audio outputs back to an input.   On Windows you can use the "Stereo Mix" digital recording path to record anything that's playing through the on-board sound card.