Questions & Answers

How do I solve the "no Audio Device" for my Studio One 2?

0 votes
asked Feb 20, 2017 in Studio One 2 by mayab143 (150 points)
I just downloaded on my new laptop (HP notebook version 1607) the Studio One 2 that I had before from my old laptop that was beginning to deteriorate. I cannot hear any sound from my headphones connecting to my PreSonus audiobox.I can see that there are sound waves.  I tried to plug the USB for the audio box in every USB opening on my laptop yet when I go to Studio One-> options-> Audio Set Up..It says that there is a Windows Audio and it says there  is no Audiobox but it is plugged into the laptop. How can I get the Audiobox recognized into the system?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2017 by maxstratmann (42,710 points)
Best answer
I would recommend downloading Universal Control for your AudioBox USB here:

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