Questions & Answers

Can't see plugin graphics for 3rd party plugin instruments

+5 votes
asked Nov 4, 2020 in Studio One 5 by *DMA Studios* (250 points)
just had a Studio One 5 pro update a few days ago and now whenever I open my 3rd party instruments AND vst plugins, I can't see the graphics.. meaning I can't select any of the parameters or change anything at all.. NOT OK!!! I don't have any illegal software or anything so thats not the issue.

this seems like a bug that came with the new update.. it needs to be fixed asap as I cannot work my clients sessions correctly without my 3rd party plugins!!

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 6, 2020 by samli1 (340 points)
I have the same bug!!!!!You have to back to 5.0 for now.
0 votes
answered Nov 12, 2020 by Fender10 (150 points)
Same Problem. I returned to 5.0 but that's a bug they have to fix ASAP. No work possible with 5.1 even no new Features.:((
0 votes
answered Nov 18, 2020 by seanmooer (140 points)
Im having the same problem.

It would be nice to have a defenative answer to this... this is a pretty big deal. Can't adjust anything in the plugins.
+2 votes
answered Nov 18, 2020 by *DMA Studios* (250 points)
It’s actually a quick fix guys and gals.. they helped me via my service request. You have to go to preferences, general, and then uncheck the box that says “enable graphics hardware acceleration”

Boom, they all work again and I see everything.

I’m having a new issue, where all my plugins work, but as soon as I load up ANY presonus plugin like pro eq or something, studio one immediately closes as if it was never opened to begin with.
0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2020 by felipevaz (220 points)
I can confirm the bug and also that DMA Studios' solution works in my S1 5.1.1, MBP13 Early 2013 with High Sierra. In my MBP13 Mid 2015 with Mojave the problem doesn't show up, so I assume it is either related to Intel Iris 5100 (and possibly others) but not Intel Iris 6100. Or maybe a High Sierra problem that doesn't exist in Mojave.
0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2020 by vincentcolucci (140 points)
edited Dec 11, 2020 by vincentcolucci
I'm having same problem  with my Slate plugins and they told me that Studio One 5 has issues with High Sierra and the way around it is to turn off Enable graphics accelerator which works as DMA Studios has said but I myself haven't had any problems with the PreSonus plugins so far. But it will prompt you that it not recommended to turn it off but my issue is that there is an issue running S1-5 with High Sierra to begin with so I'm thinking of updating my Mac to Mojave