Questions & Answers

How to remove 3rd party plugin off Browswer > Instrument window 10?

+1 vote
asked Apr 27, 2021 in Studio One 5 by chrisvo (130 points)

I add Arturia's Analog Lab demo into my plugin to play around, and decide that it is not good because some sound got remove right after I close my project. Now I want to remove this Analog Lab 2 off my plugin. I installed it as 3rd party plugin in Studio One > Option >  Locations > VST Plug-ins, then I "Add..." the directory to my external drive where the plugin was installed.

This is how I tried to remove this plugin:

I went inside that folder, delete off the plugin file along with its folder. I went back to VST Plug-ins window, I removed the directory off too. Then I went inside my Programs of computer and uninstalled Arturia and Analog Log. I also deleted off analog.dll off the Vstplugins folder.

When I refresh the Instrument folder of Browse. Analog Lab still appear. How do I completed remove this?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 3, 2021 by tothrec (32,330 points)
Go into Help, open the Reference manual.

Search for Browser/Instruments and Effects tabs.

It shows you how to hide effects.

I was also looking for the check box that allows you to re-scan, but couldn't find it.

I have a feeling that you don't have it checked, so Studio One doesn't know you removed the plugin

Hope this helps,
