Questions & Answers

How do I add a 3rd party VST to Studio One?

0 votes
asked May 10, 2015 in Studio One 1 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
How do I add a 3rd party VST to Studio One?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 10, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

Important Note for Studio One Artist Users: 3rd party VST integration is not supported in Studio One Artist version 1 or version 2. You must have registered and activated Studio One as the Producer or the Professional versions to have VST support with Studio One. 


Windows users: From within Studio One navigate to the Files/Options/Locations/VST Plug-ins

Mac OS X users: From within Studio One navigate to Preferences/Options/ Locations/VST Plug-ins


Click on the Add button, and specify the location of your plug-in.  Click OK.


You can also drag-and-drop any folder from the Explorer/Finder into the Locations list in Studio One. Studio One Producer/Professional will then scan these locations at start up of the software, including searching for new plug-ins you've added. You can always add more locations if needed. All 3rd Party AU, VST3, and ReWire920-enabled plug-ins and applications have their own file path in the OS and will not have to be located manually.

Important Note for PC Users: NEVER add the entire Program Files folder to your Studio One\Locations list. This will cause the software to crash, you MUST add the top level folder that contains the dll file or add a short cut to the top level folder of the DLL file to the Program Files vst folder that is listed by default in the Program Files section of your C drive. Again, the file path must match the bit rate of StudioOne that is installed. 

• 32 bit = C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugIns

• 64 bit = C:\Program Files\Vstplugins


For PC users: 

Please install the correct bit version VST software into the correct bit version of the Program Files on your PC. If the VST comes in a 64 bit version. The bit rates are not cross platform compatible, meaning a 32 bit version of a plug in will not run in the 64 bit version of Studio One and vise-versa.

So first confirm you have installed the 64 bit or 32 bit version of the plugin into the C:\Program Files\Vstplugins folder or in the C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins folder.

Now, IF the VST manufacturer does not have a 64 bit version you will need to run the Studio One 32 bit version to use that plugin. The 32 bit version of Studio One can be found in your "My Software" section of your account at


For Mac Users:

You may need to confirm with the manufacturer the bit rate of the plugin and run StudioOne appropriately.

By default Studio One runs in 32 bit mode on a 64 nit kernel, however you can right click on the Studio One ICON in your Applications folder, select get Info and in the General section uncheck the option to run StudioOne as 32 bit. The next time you start StudioOne it will start up in 64 bit mode.


Please note: only the bundled versions of NI Kontakt, and NI Guitar Rig will function in Studio One Artist.  
