Questions & Answers

Reamping feedback loop???

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asked Nov 14, 2020 in Studio One 5 by jamessale (130 points)
I'm trying to reamp a DI guitar track but keep getting feedback. I set the output for the DI channel to Line Out 3 on my Studio 1810c, have it going through a reamp box and into my Hotrod deluxe. I have two mics on the amp that are going into input 1 and 2 respetively. Now, even when I mute those two tracks and have monitoring turned off I get feedback if I try to get anywhere around -24dbs on those tracks. Someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong!

1 Answer

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answered Oct 30, 2021 by peterkowalzik (200 points)
Not sure if this is your exact problem, but I had a similar issue reamping with Studio One and the 1810C - there was a feedback loop happening inside the 1810c that caused a squeal from the amp when I turned the recording level up. The problem was the Universal Control mixer software was allowing the feed back loop. I fixed it by opening Universal Control, opening the Mixer by clicking on the 1810c, clicking settings, and clicking bypass the mixer. Then everything worked fine.

Evidently studio one and the mixer software were conflicting. Another symptom was I could hear through the microphone without arming a track to record. Took a bit of trial and error to figure this out.