Questions & Answers

Refund to purshase upgrade to StudioOne Professional 5

0 votes
asked Nov 23, 2020 in Studio One 5 by jaimesuarez (120 points)

in April,30,2020 i purchased an upgrade from SO Artist v3 to v4 ($35), then I get the upgrade to Artist v5 for free, however im considering to purchase the upgrade to SO Professional v5, and i would like to know if i can have a refund of the $35 I paid?



3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2020 by aka_busker (32,890 points)
Any answer by users will be speculative.  As such the accuracy may be limited.  However, I believe you will need to pay the standard upgrade fee that any artist licence owner would have to pay.  Added to that the fact you were given a free update from v4 to v5 (due to purchase/release grace period), you will only be able to upgrade the v5 Artist to V5 Professional.  
0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2020 by aka_busker (32,890 points)
By the way, having just looked in the shop, there is a massive discount on the Pro upgrade because of Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals
0 votes
answered Jul 7 by dsdgsdsdsdgs (980 points)

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