Questions & Answers

Multiple Keyswitch Tracks [Completed 5.2]

+5 votes
asked Nov 26, 2020 in Completed Feature Requests by michalpawluk (800 points)
edited Nov 28, 2020 by michalpawluk
Some instruments like AmpleSound guitars share midi track between the notes and sound effects, i.e. sounds of the strings and i.e. the fret noise. Those effects should not be taken into accound when following a chord or simply transposing. Can such extra utility track be added to the MIDI editor?

EDIT: was 'share midi channel', should be 'share midi track'

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 17, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer
This can be done with Sound Variations and momentary keyswitches.
0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
I don't understand. What have MIDI channels to do with this?

And if you don't want these notes to be transposed, why don't you create keyswitches for these pitches? This would prevent notes on these pitches to be altered via Chord Track or Transpose...
0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2020 by sunlove (4,330 points)
Studio One does not support multiple MIDI channel within a track. So the MIDI guitar feature of Ample Sound's instruments are useless.