Questions & Answers

Organize/Categorize the Recent Files list on start page. + small browser idea.

+3 votes
asked Nov 26, 2020 in Look and Feel by danwhite1 (340 points)
2 small feature requests.

1. The ability to organize/ categorize the recent files list on the start page. Eg I can have custom sections in the list such as Masters or Album tracks etc.

2. In the browser, the ability to right click a plugin and move to any specific folder. Currently this has to be done by dragging the plugin to a different folder which takes far to long if you have many plugins in folders.

Thanks for all the great updates & work


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Please add single topics for these two features.