Questions & Answers

Upgreded fro 4 pro to 5 pro now i have both installed?

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asked Nov 30, 2020 in Studio One 5 by coreytrzcinski (120 points)
I just upgraded from studio one 4 pro to studio one pro 5 (black Friday sale lol)

I've done the install and everything went fine no issues or errors. Now I have both versions installed is this normal? Should I uninstall studio one 4? Will it cause any conflicts with both there?  Are both versions active and usable?


1 Answer

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answered Nov 30, 2020 by aka_busker (32,890 points)
Hi.  Studio One V5 is a totally new installation that you can use alongside Version 4.  Both versions are active and usable with no problems.  However please be advised that songs you have made in version 4 can be opened in both versions but as soon as you save a v4 song in v5, you won't be able to open it in version 4 again.  You should have your plugins found by v5 using your settings from v4, at least that is how it went for me.   Uninstall at your leisure.  You may want to keep both installed for a while.  As I say, it will work with both installed perfectly fine.  