Questions & Answers

How can I sync video for film scoring in Studio One 5 Artist?

+2 votes
asked Dec 12, 2020 in Studio One 5 by matthewdelgado (140 points)
Hello! I want to get started with film scoring on Studio One 5. I only need the S1 5 Artist features but the only thing that is missing is the video player. Is there any kind of workaround to sync video? Or can I buy a plugin that lets me use the native video player? Thanks for the help!

Best regards,


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
There is only one way I can think of and I haven't even tried to use it.  If you own Magix Vegas Pro then you can open Studio One inside Vegas.  Might work.  However, video sync is a Pro feature.  