Questions & Answers

How to attached Yamaha MG16 to Studio One Artist

0 votes
asked Dec 13, 2020 in Studio One 4 by kevinsheridan (170 points)
I recently purchased the USB Audio Box and Studio One 4 and got my feet wet a little.  The members of our band decided to invest in some additional equipment and bought among other things, a Yamaha MG16 Mixing Console.  Although I've learned a little about Studio One, I cannot find a way to get the USB from the MG16 to be recognized by Studio One.  Is Studio One as limited as it appears to only PreSonus mixers?  Please help!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by kevinsheridan (170 points)
It appears that my expectations were not lined up with reality.  I thought a 16 channel mixing board with a usb connection would automatically allow me to connect those 16 channels in Studio One but it only offers the left and right out channels to the software (even that wasn't working right for me).  I think what I really need is a StudioLIve AR mixer.  Since that's in the interface list, I would hope that all my channels will be separate in the DAW.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  I'm very new at this.
+1 vote
answered Dec 14, 2020 by aka_busker (32,890 points)

This sounds about right.  Most mixers like that only send out a stereo feed across the USB connection.   I had a similar "issue" when using a Peavey V8 USB.  Have a look at the Studio 192 USB3.0 if you want a decent interface to connect to studio one.  I use it with very little issues.  The StudioLive mixers are pretty cool.  I do not have experience with them but check out Joe Gilders "Home Studio Corner" for some details on how to use the Studio live mixers with studio one.  He has some interesting videos on the set-up and why he chose to use that mixer in his studio.