Questions & Answers

sphere collaboration. cannot download all stems that have been uploaded

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asked Dec 16, 2020 in Studio One+ by justinpartridge (140 points)
So I have uploaded 7 stems from a song.

I've gone to the project and it lists all the stems that where uploaded but when I select the download all button only one of the stems downloads.

I have tried selecting a different stem and again hit the download button but it will download only one of the other stems (always the same stem) no matter which one of the other 6 I have selected.

It's very frustrating as Ive uploaded from my main rehearsal studio computer so I can download to my home studio and none of the files of the 7 will actually download.

Why would this happen?

I've tried using both Firefox and safari both of which are unto date. Im actually a web developer, I know Im not doing anything silly on my end, it seems the sphere data base has done something weird but it's showing all the x7 .wav files that have been uploaded but downloading it only downloads e.g file #7 not matter which stem Ive selected to download.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2021 by andresramirez9 (140 points)
Ive been having this issue it should be addressed and fix it one the main reason why I am a sphere member because I thought be easy to collaborate between me and my artist since we all use studio one but this has been more of a headache then anything