I'm in no way a seasoned professional, but a novice just starting out. I find PreSonus Sphere amazing with all the goodies that it offers upon subscribing.
That being said, I sometimes find that I'm a bit overwhelmed with the number of soundsets and pluggins + extra free content that is offered under the addons page and I was wondering if there's a way(in Studio 1.5 or online .. would prefer in Studio 1.5 or PreSonus Hub) to track what I have already installed and what I did not, aka what is available for download.
First Edit: I think that a tab where all subscription benefits are shown plus an option to download and install directly from ST 1.5 or PreSonus Hub would help me and others immensely and would also help with streamlining the whole addon install experience.
Second Edit: I'm asking this because I got an email today stating that 19 New Libraries were added to my account, but I cant seem to figure out what was added.
Thank you!