Questions & Answers

I lost all the Studio One 5 pro licenses and 4 pro for no reason!!!!!!!

+1 vote
asked Dec 18, 2020 in Studio One 5 by kijeongkim2 (130 points)
edited Dec 18, 2020 by kijeongkim2

I have a serious and urgent problem now, I bought Studio 4 pro before, and updated to 5 professional on October, and resistered immediately on then. 

but a few days ago I tried to install and tried to resister to another PC, then I found that I could't use the key anymore, and checked on the presonus website - that my all Studio one's keys were disappeared!

I lost all the Studio one 5 professional key, and even I can't use anymore 4 pro either despite the 4 pro key is remained 0/5. 

So, what's the matter? 

I'm so angry for it, and I can't my urgent project now. 

But I can't even e-mail to Presonus that they might have no support team about this, so what can I do for that? 

Please help me about it. 

Also I'm attaching the screen capture of

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 18, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,030 points)
Sorry dude, that's awful. In your my.presonus account under support create a ticket. That's your best option. In the mean time I would double check the key for pro4 and copy and paste straight from the website into S1. I'm betting that's not the problem, I just don't know what else you can do. I wish I could be more helpful.